Fenstad FK/R&Å J13 topper tabellen til sommerferien

Samarbeidslaget Fenstad FK/ R&Å har hatt en strålende vårsesong med 11 seiere og kun ett tap. Jentene har feid den ene motstanderen etter den andre av banen og bøttet inn hele 61 scoringer på 12 matcher, noe som gir et snitt på fem mål i snitt. Vårens største seier kom i hjemmemøte med Gjerdrum, hvor jentene ikke ga seg før de hadde plassert 14 baller bak bortelagets keeper, mens Gjerdrum fant veien til nettmaskene kun en gang.  Laget eneste tap kom i den siste kampen før sommerferien, hvor de tapte hele 7-1 borte mot Skjetten.

Uansett har Fenstad FK/R&Å levert en fantastisk vårsesong som gjør sitt til at de leder serien med hele seks poeng ned til Gjerdrum på andre plass og sju poeng til Skjetten på tredjeplass. Laget trenes av Ole Georg Finstad, Tor Holmgren og Atle Wenger

Neste seriekamp er mandag 12.august, hjemme mot Ull/Kisa2

J13 2.div

1Fenstad FK/R&Å1211-0-161-2233
7Rælingen 2122-1-921-417
8Ull/Kisa 2120-1-115-631


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5 kommentarer

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    2. What Are Outsourced IT Services?
      Redistributed IT administrations are the point at which you employ
      an outside organization to deal with your IT needs.

      An outsider oversaw specialist organization (MSP) can cover everything
      from the security of systems and the usage of working frameworks
      to the establishment of programming and the reinforcement of documents.

      Note that re-appropriated IT administrations are not simply
      break/fix administrations. A break/fix specialist comes
      to you when something is broken, charging an hourly expense to analyze and fix the issue.
      A break/fix administration may appear to be more affordable since you
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      to be all the more exorbitant over the long haul. They have next to
      zero motivator to work rapidly or cause a steady fix
      since they to get paid more in the event that it requires them a long investment
      or different excursions to fix something.

      In contrast to break/fix benefits, an oversaw IT specialist organization constructs an association with your
      organization, always checking your system for a month to
      month charge. MSPs are there to keep your system running easily, not simply to
      fix issues, so they have increasingly motivator to locate a quick, dependable
      arrangement if something goes off-base. It’s better for you
      and the specialist organization on the off chance that they kill dangers and fix issues as they occur.
      Taking care of an issue the first run through methods less work for them and urges you to proceed with your participation. https://www.lgnetworksinc.com/outsourced-it-benefits-of-managed-services/

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